No matter if it be daily roulettes on your job or FATEs for your retainers, there are multiple ways in Final Fantasy XIV for making Gil. Each method requires differing amounts of effort and time commitment but can provide a steady source of income over time.
Market board flipping can be an effortless, passive method of making Gil in Final Fantasy XIV. Items like materials and crafting components will fluctuate in price over time, providing an opportunity to turn an eyeful of Gil into profit.
1. Crafting
Crafting is an effective way to make Gil in Final Fantasy XIV due to its high demand. Many players use handmade items as buffs during raids and other challenging content, making crafting a reliable source of income.
Market board flipping is another passive method of earning ffxiv gil. Prices on the market board fluctuate regularly; by watching for them to decline you can buy low-priced items and sell them back up when their value increases again.
Run Treasure Trove events frequently to stock up on these valuable rewards and reap their benefits!
2. Gathering
Passive methods like farming in the new raid, side content like Eureka Orthos and FATEs or selling collected items can be great ways to generate ffxiv gil without needing to craft. Keep an eye out on the market board and look for materials which have an impressive selling rate such as HQ materials that might bring in some quick cash.
Culinarian food items are in high demand and can be sold at a good profit. Running daily treasure maps (Wyvernskin or Boarskin) may provide nice rewards; however, this method relies heavily on RNG. A great time to farm these is at the beginning of a major patch when prices are at their lowest; all this makes these passive options great choices for players looking to accumulate large sums of gil in an ongoing basis.
3. Leve Quests
Levequests are repeatable quests that allow players to gain experience, gil, and items. You can access Levequests by speaking to NPCs with Levemete icons appearing in your journal.
Farming Fates leves can be an efficient way to quickly earn Gil, especially during the first week after a patch. Crafting high-demand gear also offers great potential; with some initial setup work required but substantial returns with relatively minimal effort put forth.
Gathering can be an excellent source of income for high-level crafters and collectors who sell rare materials on the Market Board. However, it’s essential that your gathering efforts be spread out over multiple tiers to avoid overcommitting resources to one level alone.
4. Deep Dungeons
High-level players may find tackling the new deep dungeons a great way to make Gil. Culinarians can sell in-demand food items at a profit; gatherers can harvest rare resources; and players can farm for valuable loot using maps as they make their way through them.
FATE farming for Bolor Gems can be an efficient and quick way for combat classes to level up quickly while making decent Gil. Joining a FATE party may further speed things up!
Market Board flipping is another passive way of earning a steady flow of Gil. This involves purchasing low-priced items on the Market Board and selling them later for more.
5. Market Board
The Market Board can be an excellent way to quickly make f14 gil , especially during patch launch week. It provides more choices than NPC vendors and may often be cheaper when purchasing high-demand crafted gear.
Flipping items on a market board can be highly profitable, but requires extensive research and an understanding of pricing items accurately. YouTuber Zepla HQ suggests placing items for sale at night when players may be less likely to check them over for prices.
Leve Quests can also be an effective means of earning Gil, though their success will depend on your time commitment and level of dedication. Running daily roulettes may also prove profitable if you can handle their grind.
6. Tomestone Trading
Employing Tomestone vendors can be an efficient and passive method for earning Gil, providing an opportunity to invest in low-priced items that appreciate over time and sell them at higher prices for profit. This technique works especially well when buying and reselling popular items such as glamor gear, rare materials or unique patches from patches vendors.
Running daily roulettes is another straightforward way of earning Gil in Final Fantasy XIV. Over time, these can bring in significant sums that can be used to purchase high-level crafting materials for new gear sets – an attractive prospect for those not looking to spend too much time grinding!